Judge Orders Club la Costa to pay on 4 more awards

Judge Orders Club la Costa to pay on 4 more awards

ACC and their partners are pleased to inform you of last weeks victories.

M1 Legal secured 6 results with a total amount awarded $121,607.

1st Court of Instance:

Club la Costa - Last week, our legal team reported 4 victories for our clients - The nullity of the contracts was determined by the lack of information (property and when they could use it). Total Amount Awarded - $83,423.


Last week we secured an appeal victory against Club la Costa and also Anfi. In both instances, the judge ruled in our favour and we also won court costs. Furthermore, the CLC case is already being presented as a creditor in CLC's liquidation proceedings. Total value of these cases - $38,184.

All cases will now proceed to the next step.