7 Positive Results in One Week

7 Positive Results in One Week

ACC and their partners are pleased to inform you of last week’s victories. The umbrella of ACC and ECC's lawyers secured seven results with a total amount awarded $165,627.

1st Court of Instance:

  • Club la Costa Sucursal - The nullity of the contract was determined by the lack of information regarding the contract length under Spanish law 04/2012, we won the court costs. $16,261 awarded.
  • Club la Costa Sucursal - The nullity of the contract was determined by the lack of information regarding the contract length under Spanish law 04/2012. we won the court costs $17,509 awarded.
  • Club la Costa Sucursal - The nullity of the contract was determined by the lack of information regarding the accommodation under Spanish law 04/2012. $15,845 awarded.


  • Onagrup - We have finally won an appeal (in full) against Clubotel La Dorada by lifting the veil on the Onagrup contracts. M1 Legal put all their efforts into this case to show the company connection. This ruling held in Madrid Court of Appeal is fantastic for our legal team who can now use this victory in other similar cases due to the inclusion of the Supreme tribunal's doctrine. $23,553 awarded.
  • Anfi - The action brought is for absolute nullity on the grounds that no legal rule requires the contract to be active in order to request its nullity. We also won the court costs. $61,694 awarded.
  • Marriott -Nullity of the MVCI Son Antem contract was declared at the Palma Provincial Court. The judge of the first instance declared the contract null and void for breach of the period in this instance but not for the accommodation. MVCI attempted to revoke the decision but subsequently, M1 Legal appealed the ruling on grounds for lack of accommodation information. The appeal went in M1 Legal's favour and ordered MVCI to pay costs. This judgement will be useful in similar cases and for cases that are better presented in Mallorca. $19,010 awarded.
  • Anfi - The Court of Appeal has confirmed our victory in the first instance and declared Anfi to pay the costs.The contract was declared null due to the lack of accommodation information. $11,752 awarded.

All cases will now proceed to the next step.