The clients had two contracts, Cala Pi Maintenance S.L. and Noarre S.L. The case was initiated by their resort Cala Pi processing a claim against our client for unpaid maintenance fees totalling over $13,119.
M1 legal stepped in on the grounds that the company pursuing the case was simply just the maintenance fee company i.e. Cala Pi Maintenance S.L. M1 also submitted a claim against the contractual party Noarre S.L. and sought nullity of both contracts.
The judge dismissed the claim against the clients and both contracts were quashed.
This case had 3 lawyers working on it to pursue a positive outcome, a great victory for M1 Legal.
Mr and Mrs Gough commented on their case:
¨Cala Pi started a claim against us for unpaid maintenance fees, it ended up around 12,000 euros. It took some time but we expected that being a court case in Spain. M1 legal were totally behind us in defending us against one of these money grabbing timeshare companies. M1 went to court on behalf of us and our 2 contracts were quashed. We always pay our bills so having a company demand a substantial amount from us was extremely stressful. We cannot thank M1 Legal enough that this is now over and we can move on with our lives without this hanging over us.
Mr and Mrs Gough from Derby.¨
Timeshare Advice Center