Last week we had another triple win against Anfi group.
1: In the court of first instance in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria it was revealed that the contract did not reveal minimum requirements regarding the acommodation details, and ruled in favour of the clients of M1 Legal. The judge ordered that the contract be deemed null and void and Anfi to pay $40,368.
2: Again in the court of first instance in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria it was revealed that the contract did not reveal minimum requirements regarding the accommodation details. Furthermore, in this instance, the clients had taken out a Finance agreement with Hitachi and this along with the initial contract were deemed null and void. Anfi were ordered to pay the client $12,541
3: In the third case, again held in the court of first instance in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria the contract did not reveal minimum accommodation requirements nor did it reveal an end date and for this reason the judge awarded the full amount. Anfi were ordered to pay the clients $14,553.
A fantastic triple victory totalling $67,258 for M1 legal and their clients.
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