Club la Costa x 6 Anfi and  Majexo victories totalling $157,778

Club la Costa x 6 Anfi and Majexo victories totalling $157,778

ACC and their partners are pleased to inform you of the latest court victories. M1 Legal secured 8 results with a total amount awarded $157,778.

1st Court of Instance:

  • Club la Costa Sucursal - The nullity of the contract was determined by the lack of information regarding the contract length and accommodation details under Spanish law 04/2012, we won the court costs. $18,860 awarded.
  • Club la Costa Sucursal - The nullity of the contract was determined by the lack of information regarding the contract length and accommodation details under Spanish law 04/2012. We won the court costs $12,856 awarded.
  • Club la Costa Sucursal - The nullity of the contract was determined by the lack of information regarding the contract length and accommodation details under Spanish law 04/2012. $20,174 awarded.
  • Club la Costa Sucursal - The nullity of the contract was determined by the lack of information regarding the contract length and accommodation details under Spanish law 04/2012. $28,342 awarded.
  • Club la Costa Sucursal - The nullity of the contract was determined by the lack of information regarding the contract length and accommodation details under Spanish law 04/2012. $20,174 awarded.
  • Majexo Sl/BIC Leisure - The claim was upheld entirely, double the amount paid during the cooling off period was also awarded plus costs. $15,221 awarded.


  • CLC Continental Resorts- The Court of Appeal has confirmed our victory in the first instance. The court of Appeal delimits the difference between the certificate and the purchase contract, Continental argued to waive the certificate but was rejected. We also won court costs.- $28,755 awarded.
  • Anfi - The Court dismissed Anfi's Appeal and ordered them to pay costs. The appeal was based around the contract had been terminated as the claimants had not paid the maintenance fees. The appeal ruled that only a contract that is not null and void by mandatory law can be terminated. We also won court costs. $15,542 awarded.

All cases will now proceed to the next step.

Timeshare Advice Center